The laser has good linearity, small divergence angle, and energy convergence. When lasers are used for ranging, weekdays are divided into different examples according to the length of the ranging and the ranging principle. There are three types from the measurement of the weekdays: pulse method, phase method, and triangle method. There are differences in the practical scope of the different measurement methods. The pulse method (including the flying time method) emits a laser pulse from a laser generating source that is reflected to the generating source when the laser pulse hits the object. Measuring the time distance between the laser emission time and the receiving time, and dividing by the light beam, the disk can be calculated from the starting point to the destination interval; the phase method emits a continuous pulse wave from the transmitting source, and the phase difference between the transmitting wave and the receiving wave is calculated through the process, thereby The calculation interval; the triangulation method emits a laser beam from the emission source, and the laser beam hits the target object and is reflected to the receiving end. The launch point, the target object, and the acceptance point form a triangle. By measuring the angle of the triangle, the instrument-to-destination interval can be measured.
Practical area:
The pulse method is used for the measurement of the long-distance range, and the measurement interval is from several hundred meters to several kilometers. The measurement accuracy is in the centimeter-decimeter and the measurement time is short.
The phase method is used for close interval measurement. The measurement interval is from ten centimeters to ten meters. The measurement accuracy can reach millimeters on weekdays, and the measurement time is longer.
The trigonometric method is used for very close interval measurement. The measurement interval is ten millimeters on weekdays. The measurement accuracy can reach the micrometer level, and the measurement time is very short.